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About Barry Tech

Each year, high school students from all parts of Nassau County choose to add Barry Tech to their high school experience

In addition to a high school diploma, these students want a head start in learning skills needed for employment and/or more direction in what they want to study at college. A successful year or two at Barry Tech can enable you to:

  • enter the world of work after graduation
  • continue advanced career studies in a technical training course
  • attend a two- or four-year college.

Barry Tech courses are taught in environments that simulate the real world. Classes may be held in an airplane hangar, horse training stable, carpentry shop or video production studio. Courses focus on doing things, rather than just reading or hearing about them.

School Hours
A.M. classes - 7:50 to 10:20
P.M. classes - 11:50 a.m. to 2:20 p.m.

Why Choose Barry Tech?

Download the 2024-2025 Course Catalog

First page of the PDF file: 2024-25CourseCatalog

Attending Barry Tech

In addition to taking academic courses leading to a diploma, every student attending a public high school in New York State is entitled to enroll in an occupational course of his or her choosing. Barry Tech offers about 40 different courses.A wide variety of students attend Barry Tech. Many are excellent students in their home schools and enjoy the professional atmosphere Barry Tech offers. Others discover that Barry Tech's learning approach works well for them and often find their grades show significant improvement.


Administrative Team

William Poll

William Poll

Nafesa Khan

Nafesa Khan

Daniel Cava

Daniel Cava

Anastasia Kokonis

Anastasia Kokonis

Abigail Smith

Abigail Smith