Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS)
Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Credential
A stand-alone credential that may be a supplement to a Local or Regents diploma, or, if the student is unable to meet diploma standards, the credential may be awarded as the student’s exiting credential.
- No minimum credit requirement
- No Regents exam requirement but students need to have access to Regents coursework.
Option 1
- A completed Career Plan
- Demonstrate achievement of the CDOS learning standards 1, 2, & 3a
- Successful completion of at least 216 hours of CTE coursework and/or work-based learning experiences (of which at least 54 hours must be in work-based learning)
- A completed employability profile
Option 2
- Meet the requirements for one of the nationally recognized work readiness credentials identified on the CDOS Department-Approved Pathway Assessments list.